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Logo design etiquette rules every designer should know.

A logo is a brands portfolio telling their customer what makes them different from all others. It is the way a client identifies you from a crowd. This is why it is important that whatever a designer is creating should be so impressive that anyone can understand it. So how can you make something that is so interesting?

Down below there are a few points that can guide you to create a beautiful logo that can help create a unique identity. How to create a label that is easy to understand, best for the company to help it grow and where to use it in the best way possible? Let’s start from the basics and then to the most important ones.

Sketch your ideas:

Whenever you work on a brand there are the millions of ways you can design something that could describe the brand. This is not the best step after you are done with your analysis you show draw them. Here is where a question arises should I draw in software or sketchpad?

You get more ideas the more you move around so it’s better if you start with a sketch pad and then go to any software. Using sketches has another perk the client might not have the same software as you so how will you show and ask for feedback. For many designers using software means the design is final and no more changes are required.

Design is aligned:

Alignment means enough spaces between each or two words. The word that most designers call kerning simply means adjusting space between letters. The reason why it’s talked about a lot is that it can help make a document easy to read. Doing it adequately helps create a professional look and feel and making it easy to understand.

Kerning is so important that it is infused into different programs. Try it for yourself open any famous product that most designer use and try to combine two shapes or letters. The software will always try to restrict you from it because it has been modified by learning through designers and the technique they use when creating a logo design.

Looks good after rescaled:

A logo has many different uses for which it can be magnified or scaled-down. They are commonly used for business cards, presentation or even for communication. The designer has to make sure it is visible and can be understood in all these places. The best way to check this is by resizing it by yourself and then sending all of them to the client.

The designer must create the logo in vector format that the logo can be understood in any shape or form. Another place where it matters to have a logo that is resizable logo is for social media. Each one of them have their specific size so it’s important to know how each of them works and the best way for you to show it.

Use specific fonts:

The font doesn’t sound that important but talking about logo design it is the most important as it describes what you are all about to the audience. That’s why it is very important to only to choose those you know will work great with the brand and explain the firm’s message in the best way.

Using specific font doesn’t mean getting limited to what is being used you can choose whatever you want until it explains the company message in the best way possible. It is better to use popular fonts as there is less chance of making mistakes that cause to affect a business reputation.

Study colour psychology:

Colour psychology is all about what a colour means and how they can be used in a customize logo. In simple word, every colour represents emotion and by learning about it means you are influencing people to react to something in a certain way.

There are certain points you need to remember when picking a label:

  1. Don’t use bright colours that could make it difficult to read.
  2. Logos can also look good in black or white.
  3. People go for objects that make that invoke a feeling.

Now let’s talk about the colours we that make people get them or grab their attention to a product:

White: This colour can make you feel fresh or clean. When it comes to business this colour describes youthfulness and novelty.

Red: Red is an attention grabber. When talking about branding or advertising this colour tells people this is powerful, you be more confident with this colour in your life.

Blue: Blue is a peaceful colour which means safety or pure. Many people like the blue colour because it also means that the thing is easy to trust or you can easily depend on it for your needs.

Have your own identity:

The one goal you should work toward is to you have your own identity that can make you stand out from your completion. By doing this you are benefiting not only you and your clients because this world is all about competition where everyone wants to be on the top.

A lot of research goes into creating something that is unique keeping in mind that it is simple, not copied from anywhere else and created while thinking out of the box. This can help you create something that is different from any other and helps you define the brand the best way possible.


These are things a designer needs to know when creating a logo that the thing he creates can describe the business the best way.
